
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Not feeling very positive...

As all of you know, there are times when being a mom is just down-right hard! Right now is one of those times for me. My daughter Jessa, is 9 years-old and in the 4Th grade. This has been a very difficult year at school for her. There has been the over abundance of girl drama, "You're not my friend today" garbage. Then there was the choking incident in December. Yes, you read it right, a girl at school was not very happy with my daughter and wrapped both her hands around Jessa's neck and shook her, thus the definition of choking someone. It's a much longer story than that and really not worth repeating, but she was NOT injured and the girl's story makes my children's' experience seem like a pony ride!

Jessa has been going to counseling for almost 6 months now and it has truly made a world of difference for her. Plus my advice is EVERY child whose parent's get divorced should do counseling. Jessa has learned some great coping skills and has really learned how to express and communicate her feelings and thoughts. We have been having a lot of conversations about school lately. We almost moved her to a different public school during Christmas Break, but at the last minute Jessa decided she wanted to give it one last shot.

A month later it is apparently obvious that this is wrong environment for my daughter. The problem is I have no clue what the answer is!!! I NEED a strong and definite answer from the Lord on this one. We could move her to another public school, but which one is a big question. I have explored the Private school option, but with me only on a part-time contract, I just don't know. Plus there is transportation issues and sometimes I don't know if private school is the answer. Home-schooling is not even an option.

So right now I am feeling helpless. It's a terrible feeling when you know the environment your child is in every day is hurting her growth and ability to learn. You want to do anything for your children and move earth if you must. I don't have the answer and I need one fast!

I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Prayers are coveted, especially.


  1. Oh, Juli, I totally hear and understand you. We had some real troubles with Alex's class here when we first arrived & had no options (being that he speaks only English). God provided us with an answer, which at the time seemed so awful in my mind. Now several months down the road...what a blessing it has been. I know that our answer from God will not be the same answer you receive, but I know that God will answer & provide a solution. I will pray that that answer will come timely & obviously.

  2. Juli, I'm not sure what your options are concerning public schools, but you could check into some of the private schools....some offer scholarships and/or reduced tuition under special circumstances.

    We also will be praying for you and hope you will see a clear answer that meets everyone's (especially Jessa's) needs. Love to you all!
