
Friday, February 13, 2009

Jessa Update #2

Thank you everyone for your prayers! Jessa started at her new school on Monday. She really likes her new teacher. She had a pretty good week, but I am still searching for the best place for her right now. I have looked at all three private schools and have narrowed it down to the one less than a mile from our house. I went and got the paper work and toured the building. I even got to meet who her new teacher would be. We had a really nice talk. I was telling her that Jessa can not handle all the drama and she said, "The thing I like about teaching her as opposed to the public school, is that when a child is struggling with something I can take them aside and pray with them." Sold to the person with the right words this mama needed to hear!

I talked with Jessa's dad about it and let him know I was not going to pay for school on my own. He is all for this school since his 22 year-old girlfriend is a graduate from there and in fact wanted me to send her there at the beginning of the school year. Then when I said it would cost each of us $1,150 over the next four months and that I wanted to change the child support order to reflect his portion, he wasn't as "in" as before. He said he needed to the weekend to think about it.

So that is where we are at. I am sorry I didn't post earlier. It has been a very long week for me and I am still emotional over last Thursday night. I have talked with Jessa's counselor twice this week and he has assured me she is doing ok.

I am very thankful to be surrounded by people who love us and truly care about the well-being of my family. Thank you again!


  1. Sounds like you're on the right track. Hopefully Jessa's dad can come up with the money for her to attend school. What school is it? Keep us posted and we'll keep you in our prayers.

  2. Since I don't really know who is reading this blog, I chose to not mention the names of any of the schools. But Rachel, it is the one your mom taught at for awhile, so that should answer your question! :)
