
Saturday, January 17, 2009

I have succumbed!

Okay, so I have made the leap from lerker to blogger! Why the change? Well, I have been blessed to be teaching a web design and graphics communication class at our local High School Skills Center (TriTech) for the next three months and I decided I need some practice. What is that you ask, "Am I an expert web designer?" "Nope! I don't even know the first thing." But, I am staying a couple steps ahead of the class.

My goal for this blog is to share positive thoughts and happenings in my life! For way too long my life was spent in the negative. I find myself stepping back into that world sometimes, then I am humbled by goodness. My life has changed dramatically in the last 4 years and I am reminded time after time of how blessed I am. Every time I say, "Thank You Jesus" Maybe sometime I will share some of that...

May God be blessed by what is said and read here.



  1. Welcome to the blogging world. Completely excited you're here. Can't wait to read more about your abundant blessings. God is so good, isn't He?!

  2. I am super excited. I love a convert ya know?! Blessings to you and yours and we'll chat soon. Love ya, R

  3. hey my friend,
    I am so excited to have you for my blog-sista!!!!
    It's a great way to keep in touch, too.

