
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jessa update

It has been quite awhile since I have posted anything about Jessa and her school situation.


She has thrived so much. Her attitude is different, her study habits are different, her desire to go to school is better. It is fantastic!

Not only is here school situation better, but her counselor met with us two weeks ago and said she has made huge strides the last two months and he felt that we had met all the goals we set out for in counseling!!!! Just two months ago there was still no end in sight. She could barely make it to her next appointment from week to week without asking when she was going to get to go again.

Thank you, THANK YOU for your prayers everyone. I know you were praying. The principal sent me after a meeting with her and Jessa's teacher and said, "I just knew after talking with you that we at LCS needed to do everything we could to help Jessa". What an amazing feeling to know her principal is praying for her.

And one other interesting fact that I don't think I ever shared. Her counselor sent me an e-mail a few days after she started her new school and said, "BTW, your daughter and my daughter are in the same class". Coincidence?? I don't think so! I didn't even know he had a younger daughter!

God is good...(Can I get an AMEN, anyone?)