
Saturday, May 1, 2010

House Pictures

We had the home inspection today.  There are only a couple of small items that need to be fixed by the owner before we move it.  Both of them are electrical. Somehow the grounding to the pool has been disconnected!  Apparently electricity, water and humans don't mix.  Also one the burners on the stove didn't work, but  that could just have been a disconnect element.  The stove is pretty new, so I doubt there is anything wrong.  I posted all the pictures I took on facebook, but here are a couple of my favorites...

Did I mention it had a pool? The house is on .54 acres

The owner is a master gardner!  All the poor plants are going to very upset that I am taking over their care!


  1. Beautiful, Juli! What a gorgeous house! May God's blessing be over this house and the family within!

  2. How awesome! That's so exciting for all of you. I'm jealous over the'll get so much use out of it with your weather there. Here, it'd just be an expensive liability we could only enjoy 30 days a year :)

  3. Thanks Kim and Rachel. Whenever your in town, feel free to bring your families over to swim. It is really close to the church we all grew up in.;)
